Is it possible to transplant anthurium at home during flowering and how to carry it out correctly?

In nature, there are a large number of species of anthurium and each of them is beautiful in its own way.

Many of them are covered with amazing colors, similar to the well-known callas, of various colors and shades.

Some gardeners who grow indoor plants consider Anthurium a very moody plant, but with proper care it can bloom all year round.

Is it possible to transplant blooming anthurium and how to do it if it blooms with might and main? About this, as well as about the rules for caring for the plant after transplantation, even if it does not take root in a new pot, read on in the article.

Is it possible to transplant “Male happiness” during flowering?

Anthurium refers to those flowers that are not afraid of transplanting during the flowering period, in comparison with other indoor plants that can lose buds if they are disturbed at this time. A transplant at home of “Male Happiness” during flowering will not affect the beauty of flowers and the number of buds.

If you purchased anthurium in a flower shop, then within three to four days it must be transplanted into a more nutritious soil, otherwise it may die or not bloom for a long time.

Why might such a need arise?

Sometimes a plant is in urgent need of transplanting during active flowering. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the old flowerpot became cramped for the flower, and the roots were braided by the whole earthen lump;
  • the soil was picked up incorrectly, which affected the development of anthurium;
  • rot appeared on the roots of the plant;
  • the root system is sick.

Over time, the soil in which the anthurium is planted is depleted. A sign of this is the appearance of brown or whitish spots on the topsoil. If the plant is not urgently transplanted into a new soil, it may die.

Healthy adults plants every two to three years also need to be transferred to a larger poteven if they show no sign of disease.

Step-by-step instruction

How to transplant anthurium at home when it blooms? This must be done in the same order as a plant that does not bloom. The main thing is to be careful when handling the roots, which this plant is very fragile. Peduncles of the plant are not afraid of transplantation and do not react to it in any way. In order for transplantation of anthurium to be successful, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Before removing the flower from the pot, the soil should be moistened;
  2. remove the plant from the old pot and carefully inspect the roots, removing damaged or diseased;
  3. pour a drainage layer on the bottom of the prepared pot (1/6 of the height of the pot);
  4. lay a small layer of soil on top of the drainage;
  5. arrange the flower in the center of the pot, filling the lateral gaps around the earthen coma with roots with a fresh substrate;
  6. add soil to the top of the pot, slightly compact it, leaving the root neck of the flower above the surface of the last soil layer.
If the plant has grown greatly, it can be carefully divided into two parts, while receiving two beautiful flowers.

Read more about how to transplant anthurium, read here.

Follow-up care

In order for a transplanted plant to quickly take root and acclimatize, it is necessary:

  • provide the transplanted anthurium with an ambient temperature of 18 to 28 degrees;
  • first tie the plant if it needs support;
  • protect the flower from direct sunlight, as well as from drafts;
  • do not water the transplanted plant for three to four days until the topsoil dries out;
  • for three to four weeks do not feed the anthurium with any fertilizers;
  • spray the leaves regularly with a spray bottle.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

If all the rules for transplanting a flowering anthurium are observed, then no problems with the adaptation of the transplanted flower should arise. The first few months, the plant will update its root system, and only then it will begin to produce new shoots and inflorescences, blooming more densely.

Discomfort for the plant can occur if you neglect the advice and feed it with mineral or organic fertilizers ahead of schedule. Early feeding can cause tissue burns.

In order to facilitate the adaptation of anthurium after transplantation, before removing a flowering plant from an old flowerpot, all peduncles can be cut from it. Cut flowers can be placed in a vase, where they can stand for at least a month.

More details about why the anthurium does not grow, does not bloom or wither after transplantation, the leaves turn yellow, and how to help it, read here.

Anthuriums are not such capricious plants, as is commonly believed, and tolerate transplant even during flowering. For this it is necessary to transplant a flower in a timely manner, follow useful tips, provide him with the necessary humidity and protect from drafts. Now you know whether it is possible to transplant the blossoming "Male happiness" and how to do it when it blooms.

Watch the video: How to grow anthurium plants (October 2024).

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