Medicinal aloe in a pot rots, fades and disappears? Why is this happening and what should be done so that the flower does not die?

Aloe is a medicinal plant that can be easily grown at home. Almost everyone has this flower on the windowsill.

Aloe is not demanding to care, you just need to remember some of its features. This succulent is from hot countries, so home conditions must be appropriate.

This article discusses the reasons why aloe dies and how to save it. You can also watch a useful video on this given to him.

Why does a potted plant die and how to save it?

If the agave rots

One of the most dangerous aloe diseases is rot.. Dry rot develops very rapidly. It is difficult to prevent this disease and save the plant. Outwardly, this does not appear in any way, the root just begins to dry abruptly, and subsequently dies. What to do in case of this ailment?

Only preventative measures can help:

  • Proper care and constant spraying will help preserve aloe vera.
  • The plant should not freeze.
  • Lighting is required uniformly.
  • The soil in the pot must contain minerals.

Another type of rot manifests itself with excessive watering. Aloe should not be watered more than twice a month. And it’s best to wait until the earth is completely dry before starting the next procedure. If the disease was detected in the early stages, that is, the lesion was partial, aloe can still be saved.

Attention: Root rot is manifested as follows: the stem rots, growth is delayed, the tips begin to dry.

The treatment is as follows:

  • All roots need to be sprinkled with coal powder or ash.
  • Next, aloe must be transplanted into a new pot.
  • Watering starts after a month.

What to do if the roots of the plant have rotted is described in detail in this article.


It happens that succulent wilts for no apparent reason. In this case, do the following:

  1. Stop excessive watering.
  2. Do not let the earthen to dry up much.
  3. Provide enough light.

If this does not help, then the reason lies elsewhere. Perhaps aloe wilts due to rotting roots. In this case, it will have to be transplanted.

Dries up

The main reason that aloe leaves dry is improper care. It can also occur if a plant is affected by some kind of disease or pest. In this case, the main thing is to notice the ailment in time and provide appropriate assistance. How to care for aloe so that its leaves do not dry?

  1. There should be enough sunlight.
  2. There must be nutrients in the soil.
  3. It is worth observing the temperature regime.
  4. Frequent watering is not welcome, it is optimal to water the plant twice a month.

You will find detailed information on why aloe can dry and what to do with it here, and about the reasons that aloe begins to turn yellow, read here.

Leaves fall

Fallen leaves indicate that aloe vera care has changed or conditions have changed. Often leaves fall off due to the fact that watering is done with cold water.

You can save as follows:

  1. Stop watering the plant with cold water.
  2. Water must be settled.
  3. Let the flower rest for a while.

About what problems with leaves can occur in aloe and how to deal with them, read here.

The plant has died or decayed: causes and what to do

Why could a flower die? This could happen as a result of a serious illness that was started or improper care. It is very important to notice and diagnose an ailment in time, in order to then know how to deal with it. Timely detection of the disease is the key to successful plant rescue.

Important: If the root system of aloe has completely decayed, and with it the stems, then such a plant cannot be saved, all that remains is to throw it out.

The only option to reanimate is to try transplanting the cut stalk into a clean container with new ground. It will take cactus soil mixed with river sand and rotted soil. Succulents also need good drainage..

How to care so that the agave does not disappear?

  • Young aloe should be in a small pot with a drainage hole at the bottom.
  • For better water flow, expanded clay should be put at the bottom as drainage.
  • Do not do frequent watering, several times a month is enough. Water should not remain in the pan, excess must be drained.
  • Aloe is best placed on the south side.

We recommend watching a video on proper aloe vera care:


Careful and careful plant care can prevent most of the aloe diseases described.. Do not worry about what to do - there are enough tips to save aloe. Be careful in the future and you won’t have to put them into practice.

Watch the video: BAKING SODA IN GARDEN. TOP 10 Uses of Baking Soda Hacks in Gardening and Plants (October 2024).

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