We analyze the nuances: how to transplant an euphorbia and what care does he need after the procedure?

Knowledgeable people say that the white-veined euphorbia can bring harmony to the family and bring prosperity to the house. Feng Shui experts say that such a plant protects the home from the invasion of evil forces, so they place it near the front door. A periodic transplant performed in accordance with all the rules is an important condition for growing milkweed. For detailed information on the transplant technology of this beautiful ornamental plant and tips on how to put it into practice, look in the presented article.

Why do I need a transplant?

A milkweed transplant is needed in one of these cases.:

  • The plant has grown. Milkweed roots are already cramped in the old pot, so the flower must be planted.
  • Milkweed roots are rotten and affected by a fungal disease. In this case, fresh, uncontaminated soil is like an ambulance.
  • The flower arrived from the store in a pot suitable for transportation, but not for life.
  • The container from the store is still suitable, but the soil in it is a special substrate with the addition of growth stimulants.

How often is the procedure required?

Since the root system of milkweed rapidly grows and develops, it is recommended that young specimens be transplanted into more spacious containers annually.

Adult euphorbia is recommended to be transplanted when the volume of the pot is filled with roots - once every two or three years. The transplant procedure must be carried out in the spring, at the beginning of natural vegetation. Then the euphorbia will be able to successfully adapt to the changed conditions.

Transplant at home in another pot

Before transplanting, you need to prepare a container, nutrient mixture and drainage. How to choose a pot:

  • Choose a pot taking into account the fact that the roots grow rapidly. There should be enough space to lay quality drainage in it, 2-3 centimeters wider than that of its predecessor.
  • But the capacity should not be spacious, because the euphorbia is ready to occupy the space around it. You should not take the pot for growth, or very deep, also because the water stagnates in such a pot and the roots rot.

When transplanting to the bottom of the pot, lay a layer of drainage. For good breathability, it is advisable to sprinkle drainage with rotten wood bark. Drainage is pebbles, expanded clay, shredded tiles.

If a tall plant is transplanted, heavy stones should be placed at the bottom along with drainage. In this case, the pot will not roll over from gravity. For milkweed, the soil should be loose, permeable, slightly acidic.

Preparing the soil in one of the ways:

  1. We take the following ingredients: peat, turf land, leaf land, sand. Mix them in equal parts.
  2. Mix the sheet earth (2 parts), humus (3 parts), sand (2 parts).
  3. Take store nutrient substrate for succulents.
If in doubt about the quality of the purchased mixture, treat it with water and potassium permanganate.

The transplant process consists of the following steps:

  • Before transplanting, water a houseplant to make it easier to extract.
  • Carefully remove the flower from the pot while helping to separate the edges of the soil from the walls of the pot with a knife.
  • Inspect the root system, remove damaged or rotten roots.
  • Gently brush off excess soil, but do not overdo it so as not to injure the roots.
  • By transshipment method, carefully transfer the plant to a pot prepared in advance with the drainage laid on the bottom and a thin layer of the prepared substrate.
  • Sprinkle euphorbia with prepared soil.
  • Press the surface tightly with your hands in moderation.
  • Pour warm water with bait.

In open ground

  1. It is necessary to transplant to open lands in the spring, when the danger of frosts has already passed.
  2. It is required to choose a site where we want to transplant a plant. Many garden views grow beautifully in the open. In the sun or in the shade - depends on the type of milkweed. Heavy and too moist soil is not suitable for him.
  3. Loosen the soil before transplanting.
  4. If the acidity is increased, then liming can be carried out.
  5. Form a hole in the selected area. Wide enough to accommodate euphorbia with roots and drainage.
  6. When planting in open ground, do not forget about drainage.Fill the hole for planting milkweed with pebbles or expanded clay so that 1/3 of the space is occupied.
  7. Top with compost or rotten bark.
  8. By transshipment, we put in the hole a plant with a root lump of earth.
  9. Sprinkle with the addition of peat and sand.
  10. We dig a support near to tie up the euphorbia.
  11. Mulch with sawdust, humus or peat.
  12. Further care for the transplanted plant involves watering and removing dry branches.

When gardening with milkweed, it is advisable to wear gloves.


Care after the procedure involves:

  1. Having transplanted the euphorbia into a new pot, it should be poured with settled warm water.
  2. We transfer the euphorbia transplanted into a new pot and put it in a lit place, preferably without the hot sun and drafts. The light must be diffused.
  3. Further, the plant should be sprayed to avoid drying out the soil.

You can read how milk care is generally handled here.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

Having survived the transplant process, the plant experiences stress, a period of adaptation must pass. But, if the recovery process dragged on, then you need to figure out the cause and take action:

  1. Perhaps the flower is hot, the lump of land is overdried. Move it to a cooler place. Spray to increase humidity of air and soil. And in the future, regularly pour warm, soft water.
  2. If there is a suspicion that the euphorbia is excessively wet, then you need to reduce watering: water only if the land on top is completely dry.
  3. If in this case there are no changes, then you need to dig a plant and examine the roots.When examining the plant before planting, pay attention if the roots are not watery, have not changed color, the root system looks healthy, then you can change the soil.

    There may be a source of infection in the ground. Before transplanting, the roots should be treated with special tools.


Euphorbia needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. You will be surprised: how quickly it will grow to please you with lush greenery, a beautiful well-groomed look!

Watch the video: ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION AND ACCENT TRAINING: Detailed Analysis of American speech. Rachels English (October 2024).

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