How to care for spathiphyllum in winter and is it possible to transplant a plant? As well as other helpful suggestions

Often there is a similar phenomenon among indoor plants, when the flower always pleased with beautiful lush flowering and bright green foliage, then everything disappeared. The leaves began to fall, the shoots stretched, growth stopped. And this is not surprising, because after a period of flowering and active growth comes peace. The time when the plant is gaining strength. In the article we will talk about the flower "Women's Article", what kind of care he needs at home in the winter, how to water it and how often it needs to be done, and whether it blooms when it is outside the window.

Flower life cycle

The life cycle of spathiphyllum can be divided into 2 phases:

  1. active vegetation;
  2. peace.

The concept of vegetation implies rapid development, intensive growth, and vital activity. The vegetation phase in turn includes:

  • initial stage of growth;
  • budding process;
  • bloom;
  • the aging process, the death of ground parts.

The dormant phase is the state of the plant when growth and other physiological processes are suspended. Some processes are not fully reproduced. The body of spathiphyllum is practically not carried out, it does not spend resources, but is gaining strength and energy.

Reference! This period may be forced or organic rest. The first type of sleep is provoked by negative environmental factors that do not allow the flower to fully develop. Therefore, he hibernates. And organic peace is laid by nature.

Spathiphyllum belong to the category of plants in which dormancy is not necessary, maybe, and maybe not. It all depends on the conditions of detention. Basically, sleep time for indoor exotics occurs from October and lasts until January-February.

When do I need to transplant a plant?

As a rule, an indoor flower is planted or transplanted at a certain time of the year if nothing extraordinary has happened. The best period for this is considered the end of winter - the beginning of spring. It is then that the plant wakes up from winter sleep, ready for the active process of vegetation. For transplantation of spathiphyllum, it is important to maintain the room temperature not lower than + 20 ° Сso as not to overcool the roots.

However, in case of sudden unpleasant situations, a transplant is urgently needed:

  1. the roots are sorely lacking in the old pot;
  2. the soil is infected with parasites;
  3. a newly purchased flower has begun to fade;
  4. spathiphyllum is infected with fungi;
  5. an excess of mineral fertilizers;
  6. waterlogged soil.

When is it permissible to propagate?

The easiest method of reproduction is to divide the rhizome, which is performed in conjunction with the plant transplant process. The “two in one” option will facilitate survival in the new soil and once again you do not need to stress the flower. Thus, breeding also takes place from late January to early March.

How to care?

Important! In the autumn-winter period, spathiphyllum requires special attention.

Because it is entering a phase of rest.

  1. In winter, any window is suitable for the plant, because the rays of the sun are not scorching.
  2. Additional lighting, in principle, is not necessary. However, if you create a bright light in the cold period, then perhaps a second flowering will occur.
  3. The temperature in the room + 16-17 ° C is quite enough.
  4. Humidity should be increased 50-70%.
  5. It is necessary to spray the leaves, albeit not as often as in the summer, about 1 time in 2 days, more often. Use warm water.
  6. In the cold season, eliminate the presence of drafts, the ingress of cold air, especially on a wet plant.
  7. Do not lean close to cold glass.
  8. Do not leave on cold, stone window sills, otherwise it is possible to supercool the roots. For these purposes, stands are built under the foam pots.
  9. Watering in winter is advised to minimize. Enough 1 time in 10-14 days (on how to properly water spathiphyllum, read here).
  10. Spathiphyllum is not recommended to be fed in the winter.
  11. An exception is winter flowering, at this time you can feed with preparations based on potassium and phosphorus, but not more than 1 time per month.
  12. Restore the feeding of spathiphyllum with the onset of veins.

More detailed information about the features of home care for spathiphyllum can be found here.


In winter, the room where the spathiphyllum is located is cool and humid. This is just the right medium for the reproduction of spider mites. When a pest hits the surface of the sheet, a white spider web appears on the bottom. This symptom is visible to the naked eye. A white coating is also noticeable at the base of the leaf.

To combat this pest, it is enough to prepare a soap solution. They rubbed or sprayed on the leaves. The procedure is repeated until the insect disappears completely.

What to do if the flower is frozen?

Attention! In winter, foliage withers as a result of cold air.

For example, in the process of transporting plants from the store home, when the delicate foliage comes in contact with ice glass. It is dangerous if before this spathiphyllum was poured or sprayed with water. And immediately, when the water was not absorbed, a window was opened for ventilation. As a result, wilted leaves should not be treated. They should definitely be eliminated. The plant does not need a transplant. It is only worth moving to a warmer place and do not forget about regular hydration.

Also you need to be careful in the cold season with the roots of indoor exotics. For example, if after wetting in the evening, at night it gets colder. The window sill, on which the flower stands, became cold, respectively, the roots were supercooled. In addition, they are in a wet environment. In this case, the flower pot urgently needs to be cleaned in a warm place. And to restore the root system, treat with Epin, which is a kind of adaptogen, also it improves immunity.

So, not only people are experiencing winter hard, but also indoor flowers. For them, it’s a kind of stress, heating devices work, overdried indoor air. Many plants, if you want - if you do not want to, hibernate in the absence of optimal conditions. Do not allow this, control the microclimate. And let spathiphyllum please you with flowering several times a year.

Useful video

Watch a video on how to care for spathiphyllum in winter:

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