Why do spots appear on the leaves, stem, flowers of the phalaenopsis orchid? Treatment and prevention

Everyone knows that phalaenopsis, like any kind of orchid, is very difficult to care for. And often on this type of orchids various spots can. They can have completely different characteristics: color, shape and size. This article will focus on pigmentation in areas of the phalaenopsis. We will explain why this trouble appears, how to prevent the appearance of black and light spots on the leaves and other parts of the plant, show their photos and consider first aid and treatment measures.

Types of pigmentation

Pigmentation can be both dark (for example, in the form of black dots on the flowers), and light (spots on the leaves and stalk), both flat and convex. Some of its species can be absolutely safe for the flower and its appearance is the norm in the life cycle of phalaenopsis. Most often these are light clarifications or darkening, with the naked eye they can even be invisible. They will become visible only upon close examination of the plant. In this case, don’t worry.

Where can I find and what are the causes of occurrence?

Unfortunately, you will not always notice unpleasant spots, since they tend to appear on any part of the phalaenopsis, including the rhizome. In this place, it is very difficult to recognize the problem from the very beginning, which leads to the fact that the plant dies for reasons unknown to you. On other parts, pigmentation can also occur. But here the situation is a little simpler: we will notice it in the early stages. Let's move on to the causes of spots.

  • Burning plants in direct sunlight. It is important to choose the right place to “dwell” your beauty.
  • Excessive watering. Excessive moisture moisture leads to decay of the root system, so be careful that the soil has time to dry before the next watering.
  • Poor ventilation in the flowerpot. Do not forget about the mandatory drainage layer in the pot, its height should be at least 1.5-2 centimeters. And also check if there are holes in the flower container, they should be large enough to allow air to circulate easily.
  • Lack of airing of the room. The air in the room should not stagnate. But do not bring the situation to the formation of drafts. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Wrong selection of flowerpot. This matter is also taken with complete seriousness, because the development of the root system directly depends on the choice of the pot. The capacity should not be tight, but not too free. About 2-3 cm more than the volume of the rhizome.
  • Violations of the irrigation regime. Phalaenopsis is divided into two types: those that are watered from above, and those that are moistened by immersion. Find out what type your orchid is. This will help you to avoid fluid stagnation in the pan.
  • Poor soil quality. It should be designed specifically for orchids, others will not work. Make sure that the soil is not homogeneous and does not stray into lumps after watering. It is desirable that coniferous bark is present in the substrate.
  • Feed mismatch. Before fertilizing the plant, carefully read the instructions on the packaging of the mineral complex. Do not overdo it with this matter.

Danger to the plant

The appearance of spots is the first sign of a flower disease or improper care of it, which can lead to the death of the whole plant or the death of any parts of the orchid. Therefore, immediately respond to all the slightest changes in the appearance of the phalaenopsis in order to have time to save it.

First Aid Detection

There are only a few general steps to save an orchid from various spots:

  1. First, immediately isolate the diseased plant from healthy ones and disinfect the habitat of the infected flower.
  2. Secondly, find out the cause of the disease. And only after that proceed with rehabilitation.

Treatment for Bacillus Cypriped

Important! In this case, you need to act extremely quickly, since this disease does not develop by the day, but by the hour.

How to recognize him? The defeat begins with the edges of the leaves and is almost instantly transferred to their base. The infected leaf becomes lethargic and has an unpleasant characteristic odor.

In this situation, the most optimal way to combat the disease is to remove the affected leaf plate in order to limit further spread.

What to do if the plant is affected by urticaria?

This disease can be recognized by small brown spots, the diameter of which reaches three millimeters. Pigmentation spreads over time over the entire surface of the sheet.

To combat urticaria, you need to:

  1. Raise the room temperature.
  2. Lower the humidity level to 50-70%.

Late blight

This ailment is characterized by black rot at the base of the leaf, then it passes spots over the entire area of ​​the leaf plate. Spores pathogen a has the property of being stored in the soil for a very long time. Most often you have to say goodbye to a plant, since such a disease is almost incurable. Here are a few rules that can help you avoid the disease by following them:

  1. Do not increase air humidity;
  2. make sure that the room is warm enough;
  3. do not allow droplets to remain on the flower areas.

How to cure a flower from light and dark dry blotches?

The answer is unequivocal and disappointing - no way. Most often, such inclusions are a sign of burns. Damaged parts of the flower can only be removed by carefully cutting out or completely removing the leaf. Therefore, all you can do in such cases is to prevent their occurrence. And for this, follow these instructions:

  1. During the winter period, make sure that the sheet plates do not come in contact with heat sources (radiators or other heaters).
  2. With the onset of spring, remove the phalaenopsis from the southern windowsill, it will be quite comfortable for them even on the shelf, the main thing is that the light gets on the plant. If it is not possible to remove the orchid from the south side, then arrange a protection for the flower: hang paper or reflective foil on the window.
Reference. There are cases when dry spots appear due to the development of fungal diseases. In this situation, to save the plant, it is necessary to treat it with fungicidal preparations and in the future to prevent stagnation of air in the room.

Mesophyll collapse disease

This ailment is characterized by uneven yellow spots, which soon become depressed. Scientists-botanists conducted studies, the entrance of which found that Mesophyll collapse appears due to watering or spraying phalaenopsis with cold water.

Bacterial pigmentation and methods of dealing with them

Phyllostictina pyriformis

When these bacteria are affected, yellow or black spots appear at first, which do not reach any large sizes. For a fairly long time, the appearance of the affected orchid remains unchanged. The danger is that bacteria develop inside the tissue at this time. And a couple of weeks after the completion of the developmental stage, the sheet plate completely dies.

All you can do to prevent the appearance of these bacteria and, accordingly, yellow spots on the leaves is to prevent stagnant water in the pot. Even if you see that it has already been seven to ten days after the last watering, and the roots are still green and the condensation on the walls remains, remove the entire plant from the flowerpot and let the root system dry. After again place the flower in the ground.

Burkholderia gladioli

A bacterium very unusual for our climate, but nonetheless also found. In this case, a darkening of almost the entire surface of the sheet plate is observed. Burkholderia gladioli damages plant tissue. These lesions are like frostbite. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of these bacteria, do not allow the phalaenopsis to freeze, carefully monitor the air temperature of the room in which the flower is located.


We clarify that this is more likely not a disease, but only a symptom of previous ailments. A characteristic difference is the blurry light spots on the leaves of the plant.

Chlorosis can occur for many reasons: both due to improper irrigation regimes, and due to a lack of mineral complexes. Check the orchid environment.

Important! If spots of any origin are found, the affected areas of the plant must be removed.


Below you can see photos of light (yellow) and dark spots on the phalaenopsis orchid.


Pigmentation is almost impossible to treat, it is better to prevent it. To do this, follow the directions below.

  1. Keep a comfortable temperature around the orchid. It should fluctuate between 22-25 degrees of heat during the day and 16-19 degrees at night. An important condition is to ensure differences in daily temperatures (4-5 degrees).
  2. Take care of good lighting for ten to twelve hours a day. But make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the phalaenopsis.
  3. It is this type of orchid that experienced gardeners recommend watering by immersion. This method will provide proper nutrition with water for the plant, but will not allow the liquid to stagnate in the pan.
  4. It is not advised to feed the phalaenopsis when flowers are located on it. This manipulation will lead to an overabundance of nutrients and problems with the appearance of the flower in general.
  5. Choose only the substrate that will not stray into lumps when watering and will be able to easily let air and water in to ensure their circulation.

We hope this information will help you in caring for the beautiful orchid.

Useful video

Watch a video on how to recognize orchid disease about spots on leaves and how to treat it:

Watch the video: Orchid Disease - Bacterial Brown Rot, spotting, treating and preventing (October 2024).

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