Transitional age in boys. How to behave to parents?

Time is running fast. Recently, the family brought a small parcel from the hospital with a serene sleeping baby, years passed, the boy grew and developed. As a result, there comes a time when yesterday's baby begins to prepare for adulthood. In the article you will find out what time the boys are of transitional age, its duration, symptoms and signs.

When a child reaches a transitional age, he encounters difficulties. Physical state, consciousness and attitude change. The growth of the body occurs simultaneously with puberty. These changes affect the nervous system of a teenager.

The child becomes irritable and aggressive. Parents get lost and do not understand how to behave with their son. To help a teenager, you need to know what changes the child’s body undergoes during adolescence.

The transitional age in boys passes at the age of 11-16 years. At the initial stage, gender differences are manifested. By the age of 17, the boy’s personality is fully formed.

Features of puberty

  • Transitional age is a special stage in the life of any person, accompanied by puberty, physical development and continued growth. At this point, the formation of systems and internal organs ends. In the body begins the intensive production of hormones.
  • In boys, the transitional age begins a little later than in girls. Around the middle grades, girls begin to turn into girls, and boys still look childish. After just a year, the differences disappear.
  • The transitional age in boys is not distinguished by clearly defined boundaries in terms of time. In adolescents, the features of the period are manifested differently. Each organism is characterized by individual rhythms. Therefore, to say how long the transitional age lasts is problematic.

Attentive and caring parents should pay attention to the signs and symptoms of adolescence, which signal its beginning.

Signs and symptoms of puberty in boys

During adolescence, the boy’s appearance and psyche changes. The period is accompanied by hormonal changes and puberty. The teenager begins to self-criticize his appearance and worry.

Practice shows that boys who are subjected to great physical exertion and consume alcoholic beverages reach puberty later than peers who exercise and do not kill their health with bad habits.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of adolescence, you will in the early stages determine the beginning of the changes and provide support to the child.

  1. At the age of ten, the boy's genitals begin to enlarge. A year later, vegetation and scrotum pigmentation appears over the genitals. The next year, the genitals continue to grow, and the vegetation becomes longer and thicker.
  2. At age 14, the voice changes. This is due to an increase in the vocal cords, the development of throat muscles and cartilage. The voice begins to grow coarse. Typically, voice formation ends in 24 months.
  3. Armpit hair begins to grow, and the upper lip is covered with the first fluff. Over time, vegetation appears on the face, legs and arms. The formation of body hair ends at the end of puberty.
  4. By the age of 14, the muscles of the youth begin to develop, the shoulders expand, growth increases.
  5. Almost all boys in their teens appear to have pollutions - nocturnal ejaculation. Doctors consider this to be normal.

As you can see, the transition period is characterized by distinct signs and symptoms.

Psychology of puberty

During adolescence, the behavior and character of a young man undergo changes. The boy begins to be greatly disturbed by his appearance.

He tries to look good, and takes criticism extremely aggressively. Constant dissatisfaction with appearance is a natural manifestation of growing up. Against this background, uncertainty and modesty may appear, which in the aggregate often leads to isolation.

  • Growing up of a boy is accompanied by a cardinal change in behavior. This is due to physiological factors, including oily hair, acne, intense sweating. The young man wakes up interest in girls. And the ultimate goal is to find a soul mate.
  • Amid dissatisfaction with oneself, sudden aggression and high nervousness appear. The transitional age is accompanied by a manifestation of rudeness towards the people around the boy - parents, teachers, peers.
  • A surge of emotions is an integral element of the stage caused by the restructuring of the body. The hormones responsible for puberty in a boy are called androgens.
  • During this period, young men position themselves as adult men. They seek to prove to others independence. Under the influence of emotions, they do things without thinking about the consequences.
  • Boys become actively interested in intimate relationships and are strongly attracted to sexual intimacy. This is an alarming time for parents, since the acceleration of puberty is often accompanied by the appearance of violations in sexual behavior.
  • Often, the transitional age is characterized by the manifestation of sexual attention to other boys. This is due to unconscious sexual desire at the time of the rapid development of the body. Usually, after the start of the “right” intimate relationship, the deviations disappear. Otherwise, you need to take the child to a psychologist.
  • At this age, thoughts of suicide sometimes appear. According to statistics, the number of such cases among adolescent children is growing rapidly. Suicidal behavior is considered a consequence of the activation of protective mechanisms, a tribute to fashion, imitation of friends. Such an act has different motives: low academic performance, physical abuse, loneliness, revenge, drug addiction.

If the son’s behavior has changed, help him navigate in this situation.

How to behave to parents

Physiological changes in conjunction with mental problems make adolescence in boys a difficult period. It will take an effort to help your child.

It is regrettable, but there is no universal approach, each case is individual. Be patient and endurance, move towards the goal, following the advice of practicing psychologists.

  1. friendship. In the boy’s life, the environment plays a significant role, so parents will need to try to enter it. It is not easy to do this, because the son is sure that you are not able to understand him. Try to open up to him and show that you also have complexes and shortcomings. Becoming a friend to your child, you will get access to everything that happens in his life, and if necessary help.
  2. Interest. During the maturation of the boy, the system of worldview and values ​​changes significantly. By showing interest in the hobbies of the child, and supporting him, you will earn trust. Talk to him regularly, take an interest in reasoning and life, and engage in resolving family issues.
  3. Liberty. A teenage boy needs personal space and his own room. The child should be given freedom and the right to choose. You should not control all his actions, eavesdrop on conversations and audit things. If you severely limit the child, this will increase the likelihood of trouble, since the forbidden fruit is sweeter. Communicate, find compromises and direct him in the right direction.
  4. Lack of criticism. There are situations when criticism is indispensable. In this case, it should be constructive. Do not direct her to her son, but to his behavior, actions and mistakes. Adolescents are sensitive to comments, dissatisfaction is recommended to express gently, and in some cases, accompanied by praise.
  5. Recognition of personality. The boy is a full-fledged personality, with certain interests, views and personal opinions. Do not try to change your son or impose your opinion on him.
  6. Praise. Expressing words of approval and praise to the boy, you contribute to the emergence of strength and desire to conquer new heights. If a child has committed a small good deed, praise will be an incentive to development and improvement. As a result, the son will become better.
  7. Patience. If the little son is rude, do not go beyond. Remember, high emotionality is a consequence of adolescence. A violent response will lead to scandal. To make the conversation more effective, conduct it in a relaxed atmosphere.

Finally, I will give a little advice. If you want to facilitate the transitional age, write the boy in some section. It is important that the child is carried away by a new occupation before the onset of a responsible period. Swimming, football, martial arts will help maintain the body in great shape, distract from bad thoughts and stabilize the hormonal storm.

Watch the video: What To Do When Your Kids Won't Listen (October 2024).

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