An important question: is it possible to transplant an orchid when it has released an arrow? Tips for novice florists

The modern queen of houseplants is the orchid. Today, there are many varieties that can be grown at home on the windowsill. They are all different, but they are united by some general rules of care. These include transplanting these marvelous, exotic plants. Is it possible to transplant a plant if it fired an arrow and what to do with the arrow when it has faded, do you need a transplant immediately or wait a while? ...
  • Loft style living room interior

    -> Loft style is a combination of the new and the old. By “new” is meant the use of materials such as glass and metal, as well as cutting-edge household appliances. By "old" is meant the presence of plastered, painted or brick walls in the interior. Loft style is suitable for decoration, both urban apartments and country houses. ...
  • How to make a slime at home

    Lizun is a toy that has become fashionable at the end of the last century. This event was preceded by the premiere of an animated film about Ghostbusters. Among the main characters of the cartoon was Lizun - a spreading, stretching and shape-changing creature. In the article I will tell you how to make a lizun at home without and with sodium tetraborate. ...
  • How to cook pancakes on the water

    There are many recipes for pancakes, characterized by a liquid base. For cooking, milk, kefir, whey or water is used. The basic ingredient significantly affects the taste of the finished treat. The most affordable are pancakes on the water. Pancakes - a traditional flour dish for Russian cuisine, which has long delighted fans with variety. ...
  • To flower growers about why the leaves of the petunia turn yellow and what to do to resuscitate the plant

    Petunia is a beautiful and delicate plant that decorates not only flower beds in front of office buildings, but also window sills in the homes of Russians. Florists love her for her unpretentious care and abundant flowering, which continues until the first frost. Sometimes they encounter a serious problem: they notice that the beauty of the upper and lower leaves turned yellow, while they do not know what to do. ...
  • Features of the choice of side tables, model overview

    In office premises and offices, where paper and documents are constantly being worked on, a sufficient amount of space is needed to arrange all items. In this case, the side table will be an excellent way out of the situation when the table is small. Let us consider in more detail the variety of products and the basics of the right choice. ...
  • A popular variety among gardeners is the lover of Erinus: a photo of the flower and its care

    Lobelia Erinus is the most popular variety from all the numerous variety of the lobelia genus. Differs in generosity and duration of flowering, creates a unique flavor of flower beds and flower beds. Next, we dwell on the subspecies of this flower: description, photo. We will show you when it is best to plant and what soil is needed for successful growth and flowering. ...
  • Furniture options for a small hallway

    Owners of apartments with a spacious entrance hall can boast an abundance of furniture and a flight of imagination when planning the interior. Unfortunately, such gifts happen only during individual construction, when the owner himself designs his home. Often apartments are equipped with a small room, and when it comes to choosing furniture in a small hallway, they encounter difficulties. ...
  • Options and application of vinyl film on furniture

    Different interior items are of high quality, therefore, even with numerous negative influences, they serve for a long time. However, their appearance may not be very attractive due to these factors. Completely replacing designs is considered impractical, since they have a high cost, then vinyl film for furniture comes to the rescue, which will help change the look of the design. ...
  • Home insurance (apartments, houses and villas) - instructions on how to insure an apartment or a country house against fire and flooding + TOP-7 companies where it is profitable to buy insurance

    Hello dear readers of the magazine Rich Pro. Today we will talk about home insurance, namely: why do you need apartment or house insurance, what does the protection of suburban residential real estate protect from, and so on. This topic is not new, but it is becoming increasingly relevant now. ...
  • Description of lemon peel - what is it and how to grate it? Benefits, harms peels, and practical tips for use

    Everyone knows about the health benefits of citrus. But what to do with the peel? One of the popular ways to use it is to remove the zest, as experienced housewives know that it contains a real storehouse of useful substances for health and beauty. Further in the article, we will provide visual photographs of the lemon peel and tell you how to store it correctly. ...
  • Photos of cottages inside: unsurpassed style from classic to ethno

    A cottage - a building with an area of ​​not more than one hundred square meters, is a half-storey house (houses with an attic), in more rare cases, one and two-story houses. One or two families can comfortably live here. The territory of the cottage must necessarily have a cozy personal plot. The cottage is often built outside the city, so the design of the building should include a garage for the car. ...
  • A review of the original furniture, the nuances of choice

    It is not easy to describe non-standard furniture in one word, because different styles merge in design ideas. But it’s original furniture that can decorate any space, because it is very original and elegant. Designer furniture designs have one common condition ─ this is functionality. ...
  • Blue bath illusion

    The blue design in the bathroom has developed historically, adapted for decades and its relevance is obvious. Perhaps the magic of color affects the popular love for him, and the subconscious acceptance of two principles: water and sky. The space is painted with neutral, intense and inert colors, divided in color to cold and warm colors. ...
  • Where to go in Tbilisi - attractions with photos

    There are many cities that everyone should definitely visit. And the main Georgian city is also among them! Mysterious, interesting, beautiful, hospitable - Tbilisi can charm literally at first sight. Local residents joke that even two days are not enough here to drink, have a snack and just talk. ...
  • Overview of furniture screws, design features and scope

    Features of the materials used in the furniture industry imply the use of a variety of mounting hardware. Its range is very extensive, and high-quality assembly is impossible without fasteners that correspond to a specific task. Furniture screw is the most popular representative of connecting elements in the production of upholstered and cabinet furniture. ...
  • French traditions in a modern interpretation

    At the mention of the French style, the imagination immediately draws rich chambers with a characteristic decoration in the spirit of Louis. In today's reality, palace kitsch is a thing of the past and, moreover, this definition means not only luxury, but also more adapted Provencal and Norman trends. ...